Tag: festival dress

Sparkly Belly Student Showcase 2021

The best part of my job is seeing my students’ creations 🙂 It’s quite magical when costumers combine what they learned in my courses and their creativity, and create their very own belly dance costumes. I often learn from them too! Let me show you what I mean. Here are 9 of my students and their beautiful creations! Sparkly Belly… Read more →

DIY Ruched Hip Scarf that STAYS on your hips!

I wanted to make a cute ruched hip scarf to go with a brand new baladi dress I made! It was a very easy project, and in this post, I’m going to show you how I made it! Oh, and there’s nothing more distracting than seeing a scarf fall off a dancer as they perform… So I’m also going to… Read more →