Tag: side drape

How to Add Drape to Belly Dance Skirts (super easy!)

There are many ways to add an interesting feature to a simple skirt, but what’s more romantic than a little drape or a swag? 🙂 Creating perfectly draped fabric can be tricky, but in this tutorial, I’ll show you a super-easy way to add drape to a belly dance skirt. Let’s get started! Resources mentioned in the video: Detachable side swag… Read more →

DIY adjustable waistband with buttonhole elastic for circle skirts

Make an Adjustable Waistband with DIY Buttonhole Elastic

Circle skirts are some of the most versatile skirt choices for us belly dancers 🙂 But there’s one little problem. They come with elastic waistbands. If the waistband is too tight, it will create muffin top. If it’s too loose, the skirt moves around up and down, side to side. But our bodies go through size changes all the time…are… Read more →